The Cleaner 2011 7.2.03515 is a structure of program designed to protect your computer and data secure from Trojans / Spyware / Worms / Key loggers and all types of malware. By aggressively observe files and processes on your computer it can detect active virus and remove it before it has a possibility to do any harm to your important data. If you surf the internet or sending and receiving e-mail, you can't protect your system without The Cleaner. So you don’t need to be worry about e-mails you open, or software’s you run. The Cleaner detection system will protect business so you don't need to!.

How The Cleaner secures Your System ??. The Cleaner explores your hard drive and cleans it of all identified Trojans. Via an exclusive patent-pending technology, The Cleaner match up to each file against a list of all identified Trojans. You can scan your complete system or just single file. The program also let you to occasionally update your Trojan database file to keep it update with the newest research. The Cleaner 2011 free download is available below.

The Cleaner Pro contain background scanning of every activity in memory; a quicker, redesigned scan engine (about 100 files per second); a latest, strong, Trojan fingerprinting process; scanning within packed in archives; and a totally redesigned Interface (GUI). Basic tests have revealed that The Cleaner carry the competition away, equally in speed of scans and in amount of Trojans found.
Features of The Cleaner 2011:
- Excellent quickly scan your computer within 2 minutes
- Big database
- Superior heuristics - identify new and rising threats
- Higher recovery measures
- First-class User Interface - multiple languages supported
- Every day database updates
- Over 12 years of verified consistency
- Compatible with all anti-virus software’s
- Inexpensive
- Supports Windows2K/XP/Vista/Windows7/Server 32bit and 64bit
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