Dr Web Cureit Version 5.00.13 is an Antivirus and Anti-Spyware scanning tool that is developed on the Dr. WEB engine which will help you quickly scan and cure, if necessary, a computer without installation of the Dr.WEB Anti-virus by using Dr.web cureit Boot Cd.Following are the brief DR WEB Cureit review.
Dr.WEB CureIT automatically detects the language of the Operating System and sets the scanner interface accordingly (if the local language is not supported, English is enabled).Here Dr web cureit free download is available.you simply click on Dr web cureit download and Dr web cureit download free.you can also find out and download dr web cure it portable.
Dr.WEB CureIT automatically detects the language of the Operating System and sets the scanner interface accordingly (if the local language is not supported, English is enabled).Here Dr web cureit free download is available.you simply click on Dr web cureit download and Dr web cureit download free.you can also find out and download dr web cure it portable.

Russian, Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Czech, English, Estonian, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovakian, Spanish, Ukrainian.
Dr.WEB CureIt contains the most up to date addons to the Dr.WEB virus bases going up to twice per hour frequency at periods of high malware submissions.
Dr.WEB CureIT exe detects and removes following worms and viruses:

Dr.WEB CureIT exe detects and removes following worms and viruses:
- Mass-mailing worms
- E-mail viruses
- Peer-to-peer viruses
- Internet worms
- File Viruses
- Trojans
- Stealth viruses
- Polymorphic viruses
- Bodiless viruses
- Macro viruses
- MS Office viruses
- Script viruses
- Spyware
- Spybots
- Password stealers
- Keyloggers
- Paid Dialers
- Adware
- Riskware
- Hacktools
- Backdoors
- Joke programs
- Malicious scripts
- Other Malware
DR Web Cureit 5.00.13 also support Chinese (China) and Dutch languages.Dr web cureit live cd is available on official site.
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