Dr.Web Anti virus version 5.0 is the powerful combination of anti-virus scanner and caretaker Spider Guard which is deeply integrated into the operating system of your computer. The latest antivirus 2010 of .web antivirus 5. 0 has most advanced in the world of heuristic analyzers Dr.Web combined with daily is the virus bases are a very strong protection ,irresistible to any Virus, Trojan horse, worm e-mail and other forms of malicious code. Doctor .Web provides users with a powerful Multi-layered system of protection against various types of Malware, including Spyware and Adware. Dramatically improved system of heuristic analysis, allows the user to protect against previously unknown viruses whose signatures are absent in the virus database.Dr.Web Antivirus torrent and dr.web antivirus free download available over the internet.

- Improved detection and remove viruses or neutralization of viruses and malicious objects on hard drives, removable media and memory
- Interception "on the fly" all requests for files on disks, diskettes, CD / DVD / Blue-ray drives, Flash and smart cards
- Improved protection against viruses that use Rootkit Technology
- Improved protection against most unknown threats using t latest technologies nesignaturnogo search Origins.Tracing and predictive heuristic analyzer of Dr.Web
- Improved identification of viruses in the files of any degree of nesting
- Checking files compressed packers including those not known with the help of technology FLY-COD
- It also check incoming and outgoing mail for viruses protocols SMTP/POP3/NNTP/IMAP
- It provide protection from a mass mailing e-mail messages from your computer worms
- It has feature of Scanning on demand \ individual schedules audits Personal computer
- The Software Automatic provides latest updates

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