There are many PC users having no antivirus installed in their PC’s. If you have no antivirus in your PC and your PC got infected with virus, don’t panic you can also remove virus from your PC manually. There are few steps are required to clean your infected PC manually and required some computer experience. The first thing you need to know the type of virus and also search out the location of virus and entries into the registry, which will be helpful to remove virus manually through downloaded tools from internet.
Most PC user prefers to download specific virus removal software, generally known as “virus remover” to remove virus. It is however significant to identify that these kind of programs makes a substantial piece of antimalware software in computer market, which is a huge motivation for some programmers to earn instant money by introducing such kind of virus removers with middling scanning engines, bad algorithms, and without technical support.

Therefore, it is very important to think before taking any decision regarding using such kind of virus removal downloaded from internet. It is better to spend some time to research about best available programs for virus removal. The best way is to visit different antivirus sites and read the reviews and comments to find out the quality of particular virus removal.
Most users prefer to use free antivirus removal software. But the only problem with free tools, most developers scam to promote their software’s through free virus removal product. These developers force web surfers through scam to download and install their free tools. Sometimes, these free tools become dangerous for PC as it may contain venerable executive files, which show that your computer is free from virus but actually it has become infected. So, it is better to find out through little research about clean and clear virus removal tools before downloading and install them to your computer for virus removal.
If you don’t want to install any virus removal tool, you can also clean your pc through online virus removal service free of cost. Online virus removal service is available on all the major antivirus software developers’ official website. The service is available for all users, the only thing you need a stable internet connection. Online virus removal services has not similar features for detecting and removing virus, so choose the best online virus removal service which suits to your requirement.

There are many reputable free virus removal tools available developed by volunteers. These special kind of virus removal tools are use to remove range of virus and malware. Major antivirus companies are not provided their full services through online virus removal services, so it is difficult to identify and remove latest viruses through online virus removal service. The latest scan engines are available in major antivirus paid software’s.
But its not an easy method to remove virus.. Moreover, by installing antivirus in one's computer, such as Microsoft Security Essentials, one can be free of tension of viruses.... Thanks. If you have any suggestions please reply me.. i m waiting..